This is a three month-long therapy group that will take place in-person and virtually. We will read and process Hunger: A Memoir of (My) Body by Roxanne Gay and The Girls at 17 Swanna Street by Yara Zgheib.
What is bibliotherapy? This group is considered bibliotherapy! Bibliotherapy is a therapeutic approach that uses literature to deepen one's understanding of themself and/or their experiences. Books can be used as doors into others' worlds while giving insight into our own.
This is a process group, meaning there's space to share personal experiences related to the content. There will be boundaries and facilitated group agreements about how deep we go into personal stories to avoid overwhelming yourself and/or other members.
This group is for you if:
You're a reader and you crave a community space to discuss challenging topics that deepen your sense of self.
You're new to therapy/group therapy and want to try it out in a low-stakes way. There's nothing like discussing characters and stories to take the spotlight off of yourself!
You are interested in doing healing and introspective work through reading but would like some support.
You're in need of a facilitated third space (a communal space, as distinct from the home, first space, or work, second space) to get to know other adults on a deeper level.
You or someone close to you experiences struggles with eating and/or body image.
We will meet from 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM CST at Blip Roasters (1301 Woodswether Rd, Kansas City, MO 64105) in a private space.
Dates for the groups are as follows: 02/22, 03/07, 03/21, 04/04, 04/18, and 05/02.